Friday, December 9, 2011

Castles Under Attack simulation! Click here.

Throughout the middle ages castle construction evolved from Motte and Baily castles made of wood to Stone Keep castles made of stone to Concentric castles which utilized thick/tall stone walls built around the stone keep. Castle builders had to come up with new materials to use, new building techniques, new types of castles, and new castle features to withstand attacks by armies that were constantly developing new methods of attack and new weapons to use against castles. Go to this web site and play the Castle Under Attack simulation game!

Exit Ticket #3: Castle Defense

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Castle walls

I put crenelation on top like most castles. I also put a texture on the walls of the castle, so it looks like stones. you could draw it , but with what i did you can feel the texture. Thats why I did that.


Gatehouse construction

MY gatehouse is important to my castle because it's a good defense, if an unwanted visitor got in you could lock him in and pour burning oil through the murder holes.

Daisey ;)

Gatehouse construction

My gatehouse has seven murder holes with ten stones to drop down each hole.It also has a draw bridge.My gatehouse is seven metres high.It is made of compacted stone. Matt

Friday, December 2, 2011

Stone Keep Castles